Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Love Of The Guardian Angels

The Love Of The Guardian Angels Seeing Hearts Everywhere


The Love Of The Guardian Angels : hello Sara, it’s always a pleasure writing to you, these days I have had the opportunity to get to know your website better and I can tell you that it has captivated me, I read some of the answers from the Sky and I would say that they surprised me more than a little bit, also because I would have never thought it would be possible to establish a line of communication and being able to ask questions or ask for help.


As far as I am concerned, I am a person of faith and I practice, as of not long ago I also believe in Angels, and after reading a few books I have started to better understand it, even though I believe that in order to create a real contact there is a need for time and stamina; in any case, I read some parts of your website, of the methods that are more congenial to me to feel my Angel closer to me, I tried to write a couple of letters to him and I even gave him a name, even if I don’t know if it is the right one ….


I wanted to tell you … this morning I noticed with great surprise a tiny little heart on the passenger seat of my car, it was golden in color, I have truly no idea where it could have come from, and the other days it was definitely not there; in any case, I took it and I put it somewhere safe, after taking a picture of it.




And again today I happened to have found another one, made of clay, on the beach. The other day I found another one on the sand, it was formed by the sea foam and inside I thought I could discern part of some letters, an M and an A, I think, could it be someone’s name? I don’t know ….


I attach the picture and I also send you a tight and sweet hug




The Love Of The Guardian Angels Seeing Hearts Everywhere was the testimonial of Salvatore


The Love Of The Guardian Angels Seeing Hearts Everywhere


The Love Of The Guardian Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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