Le Parole degli Angeli
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Guardian Angels accompany us

Guardian Angels accompany us in our daily lives


Guardian Angels accompany us : dear Sara, I would like to tell you about something wonderful that happened to me yesterday afternoon, I was preparing a hot barley drink for my husband and look what the top of the hot drink looked like! a beautiful heart that filled me with joy! look the image of heart formed in the cup:


Image of heart formed in the cup


As I expanded the image, I noticed on the top right, inside the glass, a face with the eyes closed, as if it was sleeping, maybe an Angel, or a benign Saint! Certainly you, Sara, will say that it’s condensation or humidity, but its expression is so serene that it immediately gave me comfort and tranquility.


These cute little hearts, these signs, they appear every time I feel pensive and anxious about my health, and I project myself toward the future, hoping that the Sky will be able to spare me more serenity and improvements for my problem.


From the bottom of my Soul I feel and believe that all these hearts are sent to me by our dear Guardian Angel, to soothe me and help me! In fact, every time I see one, I feel overwhelmed by a lot of love, I instantly feel a lot of joy and comfort!


It’s a wonderful sensation, and for this gift, as well as all other immense acts of help that he gave me and continues to give me, I thank him infinitely and endlessly.


An enormous kiss to you Sara!!


Guardian Angels accompany us in our daily lives is testimonials by Sabrina




Guardian Angels accompany us in our daily lives


Guardian Angels accompany us


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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