Le Parole degli Angeli
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Heart with wings real image

Heart with wings real image pictures and orbs pictures testimonials


Heart with wings real image : hello dear Sara, I wanted to tell you that every day I look at your website, it is beautiful, you can feel the great love we receive from our Angels, from Mother Mary, from Jesus and from Our Father God; I would like to send you this picture (our photographer obfuscated the faces to protect privacy)


Two faces a yellow heart with wings and orbs


It was taken a few months ago, and I noticed with much surprise and joy that, attached to my hair, appeared a perfect little winged yellow heart! It is perfectly defined, it’s on the left side on the bottom! Moreover, on the top right, I noticed a bubble that could be an orb, what do you think about it?


Heart with wings and orbs defined and highlighted


This is the cutout of the heart with the wings, look at how clearly defined this little winged heart is, a yellow winged heart.


Heart with yellow wings


This is the cutout with the orb that I noticed, zooming in, it is inside the window shop, and it does not come out into the street, at least this is how I see it, please do tell me what you think.


Image orbs on internal shop window


I am happy because even these manifestation are, in my opinion, beautiful gifts from the Sky and from my Guardian Angel; every time I am worried about my health, or any other reason, I always find these wonderful surprises, and for this reason I thank the Sky and my Angel with all of my heart.


I also wanted to let you know that every day I see little hearts appearing out of everything! If you think it would be useful to publish my pictures and testimonial, I would be very happy to have shared them with you!


A big hug,


Heart with wings real image pictures and orbs pictures testimonials is Sabrina’s testimonial




Heart with wings real image pictures and orbs pictures testimonials


Heart with wings real


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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