Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Image of Guardian Angel A boy kneeling down

Image of Guardian Angel A boy kneeling down testimonial A sign from my Angel experiences story

Image of Guardian Angel A boy kneeling down : hi, Sara Luce, my name’s Cinzia I writing to you after having read all of your wonderful site, I wanted to tell you about two things that happened to me; the first one in 2004, suddenly I woke up one night and at my bedside I saw a boy kneeling down, he was lovely and chubby, with blue eyes and curly hair; the strange thing was that that sight brought me serenity instead of frightening me, I was awake, I’m sure.

But the other evening, I was particularly down and out, because of my sentimental situation … we parted nearly a year ago and I can’t find another boyfriend since then. That makes me be set up. I know there are more important things in life, but I suffer a lot from loneliness; so in the evening, particularly downhearted, I asked my Angel to help me … to give me a sign and after a few minutes I saw two little spheres of light moving, those flashes of spheres I saw them twice clearly, considering that it was 07.30 p.m. and there were no particular reflections of light, and I thought that it could have been my Guardian Angel.


Image of Guardian Angel A boy kneeling down testimonial A sign from my Angel experiences story

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en the words of the Angels

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