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Testimonies experiences with Guardian Angels

Testimonies experiences with Guardian Angels H as Heart Gabriella’s story

Testimonies experiences with Guardian Angels : hi, my name’s Gabriella, today I tell you the experiences with my Guardian Angels, testimonies, I know this wonderful site since a few months; for the fact that I discovered it by chance I immediately understood that it was my Angel who wanted me to get to know these marvelous beings I had underestimated up till then; while reading the Angel testimonies I have learnt to seriously consider the coincidences in my life, I even wished more to have a direct contact with my Angel, even though at the same time something was holding me back fearing of something false.

Some evening ago (precisely the evening before my eighteenth birthday) I was thinking about angels’ unconditioned love towards us, and I was wondering if I really deserved my Guardian’s Love and if He loved me despite my sins. I went to bed and fell asleep.

During the night I woke up because of a noise outside, I turned onto my side, I was just getting back to sleep when half asleep I clearly felt some caresses through the blankets, from my elbow to my thigh. The strange thing is that even though I was conscious about it I wasn’t the least bit worried about that. Better still, I was surrounded by an unnatural complete calmness that it was my beloved/ Angel. He went on caressing me, and still half asleep, I thought. “Yes, I know You love me, I believe that . Now let me sleep.”

Smiling and by then almost unconscious I felt a pressure all over my body. Being completely awake I tried to understand what He wanted to tell me when I heard a voice in my head that I couldn’t understand, I only understood the first letter “h”. So absolutely calm I asked: “Happy birthday?” and so everything ended that was just what he wanted to tell me, the pressure had lasted for a few seconds, but they were great eternal emotional instances seeing I was awake, I couldn’t believe I had received that great gift and all exited, I thanked my Angel and I praised God, incredible, what a special birthday present, not everyone can receive it.

Discovering a great Love like that had helped me face the problems in my life, I’m never alone and I’ve got a perfect ally by my side, at last I have understood that approaching the spiritual world can only benefit you, it’s stupid to fear it.

Thank you very much my dear Angel

My best wished with my heart full of joy

Testimonies experiences with Guardian Angels H as Heart Gabriella’s story are phrases from Gabriella

Testimonies experiences with Guardian Angels

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en the words of the Angels

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