Le Parole degli Angeli
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Feathers A white Feather Testimonies Angels

Feathers A white Feather Testimonies of Angels astonishment and joy a white feather before my eyes

Feathers A white Feather Testimonies Angels : hi Sara, today I tel you of feathers, a white feather, this is my testimonial, I ‘m so pleaded to have received your mail and on answering you, I’ll tell you about another wonderful experience with my Angel; I was sitting in my bedroom and speaking to my Angel, to be exact, I was thanking him, because he always helps me, especially with school matters.

My eyes were closed and when I opened them I focused a white feather before my eyes, the first thing I did was try to catch it, but I just couldn’t, it went upwards, I stood up, and stretched my out my arms to seize it, it disappeared.

When I realized I was standing up stretching my arm upwards I understood that it was one of my beloved Angel’s sign, seeing that my window was closed, it couldn’t have come in through it, you’d think it came out of nowhere.

And how could you explain that instead of falling, it went upwards suddenly disappearing?.

How wonderful, I’m continuously astonished, I’m sorry for having lived all those years without having known him.

He always finds a way to comfort, advise me and so on, my heart fill up of joy, knowing He’s always by my side.

Feathers A white Feather Testimonies of Angels astonishment and joy a white feather before my eyes are phrases from Gabriella

Feathers A white Feather Testimonies Angels

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en the words of the Angels

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