Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Feathers Guardian Angel Think Of An Angel

The Feathers Guardian Angel Think Of An Angel A Feather In My Hand
The Feathers Guardian Angel Think Of An Angel : good afternoon Sara, I have just read your words on coincidences; you see, I am a very faithful person, I practice my faith, and approaching this spiritual dimension leaves me a little hesitant especially when it comes to getting in touch with our Angels; however, if I am writing to you, there is clearly a reason.
You see, over the last few weeks I happened to find some feathers (at least I think I can define them as such) all over my clothes, however I will tell you that the first few times I did not really pay much attention, what with all these pigeons flying around, or even winter coats with down fillings, I just did not really notice it.
One day, as I opened a drawer to take a sweater, I found one right on top of the sweater I was about to wear, and I remember saying to myself: another feather? Then, when I left the school where I work, as I stepped into my car I found another one on my hair.
I started to wonder where all these feathers came from, but I believe I did not immediately think of an Angel until just a few days ago.
A week ago with my fiancée and I visited a Church in Rome to pray. I sat down, and soon after that my gaze fell on the pew in front of me, and I noticed something was stuck in a little gap, something that looked like a feather. Instinctively, I would have liked to pick it up to check if it really was a feather. I had a great desire to pick it up, but I was too embarrassed about the people around seeing me, and so, with much regret, I decided not to.
I must say that every now and then my thoughts went back to that hypothetical feather, just for a few moments.
The following week I returned to that Church to pray, at that time I no longer thought about that feather. This last Saturday I went to the same Church again because suddenly a serious problem surfaced in my life and I needed to trust God to help me with finding the best way to proceed.
When I entered the Church I kneeled down and after having prayed I sat down. Suddenly the thought of the hypothetical feather I had seen in that Church came up again, inside I thought it was only my fantasy, maybe it was just a piece of paper and several days later it could not possibly still be there, besides I did not remember very well where we had sat that day anyway, so I just leaned to the pew back rest.
Well, the surprise was amazing: as I looked at the pew right in front of me I realized that the hypothetical feather was still there: I did not believe it, that thing was still there. I hesitated a little as I took it, because I was afraid to be disappointed.
With my hand I finally managed to pull it out, with a little work because it had become stuck. Well, it was really a feather and when I held it in my hand I thought back of all the other feathers I had found and that’s when the idea of an Angel came to me.
I cried, clutching that feather, also thinking about my problem. I am now keeping that feather somewhere safe.
The Feathers Guardian Angel Think Of An Angel A Feather In My Hand are the words from Federica
The Feathers Guardian Angel Think Of An Angel
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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