Le Parole degli Angeli
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Afterlife In A Dream Contact With Afterlife

Afterlife In A Dream Contact With Afterlife Testimonials


Afterlife In A Dream Contact With Afterlife : hello, I would like to share with all of you what happened to me, last week I had a dream where something extraordinary happened, the dream paused just like when you press the pause button on a music player and a luminous figure reminiscent of my paternal grandfather was stepping out of a black car with no number plate and of no definite manufacturers brand.


He was well dressed, with a black garment and an unnaturally white shirt, his face was a hue that was a warm light pink color and his hair was pure white.


He approached me and he gives me a kiss on the cheek and an immense warmth pervades me, not an unpleasant feeling at all.


The amazing thing is that I still feel that warmth even when I am awake, even right now!


Thank you Grandpa for the gift you gave me and thank you to all of you for this fantastic website where we can all share our joy.


May God be with all of you.




Afterlife In A Dream Contact With Afterlife Testimonials was the experience of Gianluca (Jeliel)




Afterlife In A Dream Contact With Afterlife


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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