Le Parole degli Angeli
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From The Other Side The Happy Birthday Wishes

From The Other Side The Happy Birthday Wishes experiences


From The Other Side The Happy Birthday Wishes : sweetest Sara Luce, here I am with my experience of a little hello from the other Side; Stefano was one of our employees of about 10 years, and as you well know, with companies of small size, the work relationships often cross over to personal relationships, families, and even your employees become a part of you, you become friends, almost brothers.


Stefano was only 35 years old and he was very happy because soon he was going to marry his beloved Silvia …. but in December … one day I spoke with him on the phone talking about some office stuff and then literally a few minutes later someone called me to inform me that I would never see him again …. heart attack …. and from that moment on it was a long series of questions, trying to “manage” both my pain and that of other people whom I love and who also love Stefano.


I have always believed, however, that our Life does not end here (also because I have had the good fortune, a year earlier, to be able to participate to a seminar from Cesare Boni about Life after Life) …


Last year his birthday fell on a Sunday … that weekend my companion and I had gone to spend a couple of days at the lake … in the morning, as soon as I woke up, I looked up at the sky enjoying a particularly sunny day, and I said “Happy Birthday Stefano, I know you can hear me, but if you by any chance get my birthday wishes, could you give me a sign ….” and I continued “Oh well, I do not ask for much … it’s like testing my belief …” and so I decided to continue on with my day, calmly confident that he, in other capacities, other shapes unknown to us, would certainly manage to celebrate his birthday …


It was almost evening and it was time to go back home … on the way back we drove past a ranch … my companion told me “let’s go back to look at those horses” … I replied “As you wish … but we could always come over another time” …. well …. we did drive back … we stayed there no more than 5 minutes … and during those 5 minutes a couple in a motorbike approached me, they were still wearing their helmet, and the driver said “Hello Sara” … but I did not recognize him …. and I told him that I could not see who he was with his helmet on … and he said “I am STEFANO!!!!” well, of all people I could bump into, I had to meet someone with his name … and then I found out that it was their very first time there, and that they had just stopped to have a bite to eat.


Well, initially I thought it was a coincidence … but inside I knew that it was not the case …. Reading all of the testimonials and the topic of coincidences, now I am really sure …. I have no doubts that it was Stefano who wanted to make sure that I somehow got confirmation that he heard my birthday wishes.


Immensely happy for his Gift !!!


From The Other Side The Happy Birthday Wishes was the testimonial of Sara


From The Other Side The Happy Birthday Wishes experiences


From The Other Side The Happy Birthday Wishes


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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