Le Parole degli Angeli
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444 The Numbers Of The Angels Signs

444 The Numbers Of The Angels Signs Of Closeness Of The Angel


444 The Numbers Of The Angels Signs : hello Sara Luce, I entered your website by coincidence, I was very deeply touched by the Angels and by everything that is related to them, and finding your website was such an immense joy for me; let me say that ever since I know about Them I pay more attention to all coincidences that happen around me; I would like to tell you about the latest episode that happened to me a few days ago (it had been a while since something like this had happened to me, even though in the past it did happen several times), I always chat with my Angel, but lately I had not been doing it as frequently.


One day I was deeply troubled and sad, and so that evening, before sleeping, I asked Him if He could give me a sign because it had been a while since he had made his presence felt to me (or perhaps it was me who could not see it!)


During the night I suddenly woke up, believing I was late to work (I normally wake up at 5:15 in the morning), I picked up my phone to find out what time it was, but the phone fell under my bed, I got up, I turned the light on and I looked for the phone. I finally looked at the phone, and the time read 4:44!


What an immense joy to know that my Angel was telling me “Here I am, I am here, this is the sign you asked for!”.


Thank you for everything, with affection


444 The Numbers Of The Angels Signs Of Closeness Of The Angel was told by Katya


444 The Numbers Of The Angels Signs Of Closeness Of The Angel


444 The Numbers Of The Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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