Coincidences Sent By The Angels

Coincidences Sent By The Angels The Name Of The Angel


Coincidences Sent By The Angels : hello, my name is Andrea, a few weeks ago I read the story The Guardian Angel, I followed your advice and I feel like my eyes have opened up since, let me explain; the day after I read that story, my father and I were going to see about a job that we really needed done, so what better occasion than to ask about the name of my Guardian Angel?


On the way to Rome, I read twice on the wall the name “Di Pietro”, until then I thought that it was impossible that the Angel told me his name so quickly (we had just left); when I reached Rome something happened that made me understand that the Angel is truly next to me … in the street where there was the office of the man we needed to see .. it was called Street Angelo Di Pietro … and the most disconcerting thing was that, had we arrived a few minutes before or even after, my dad would not have had the opportunity to go to this office …. from that day I only ask for one thing, let my family be well … and frankly I do not even remember the last time your family was so well in any given week.


I want to thank you Sara, for this life, now I am much more serene since I see them next to me, and I know that there is someone next to me who will help me always.


Coincidences Sent By The Angels The Name Of The Angel was told by Andrea


Coincidences Sent By The Angels The Name Of The Angel


Coincidences Sent By The Angels The words of the Angels

