Where Were We Before We Were Born

Where Were We Before We Were Born My Memories


Where Were We Before We Were Born : hello everybody, hello Sara Luce, I am 36 yeas old, ever since I was very small I was lucky to witness amazing testimonials, I shall tell you one; everything started when I was two years old, one day I insisted with my mum that she took me to “that place”, my mother asked me to explain to her where this place was, and so I started to describe in detail a wooded area, with a small lake, with a gentleman with a young boy were fishing.


My mother was convinced that it was one of my dreams, she did not take it too seriously, but for years I kept asking her to take me there, I would describe even the car (even the color of the interiors of the car) with which my mother and I (my father did not seem to appear in my memory) drove there.


About ten years later, looking at some pictures of my mother when she was much younger, I found one of her where she was in exactly the same place I had been describing all along! I showed her the picture, and she started to cry: in fact, on the back of the picture there was a date (1976), two years before I was even born, and at that time she was driving the exact car that I had described.


My mother was very touched by this, because in that moment she realized that I truly did know that place, mine was most definitely not a dream … and when she connected the dots on all my descriptions, she realized that I had been with her for a long time before I was even born.




Where Were We Before We Were Born My Memories was told by Fulvia




Where Were We Before We Were Born My Memories


Where Were We Before We Were Born


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

