Loving unconditionally an angel named Giada

Loving unconditionally an angel named Giada testimonies


Loving unconditionally an angel named Giada : hello Sara, I would like to tell you what happened to me three years ago; the summer of 2011 was a very difficult period for me, I was already suffering from depression from various problems (disappointment from friends, disappointment in love, etc) and on top of that I ended up being fired from my job; I fell into total depression, my life did not have any meaning; one day I received a friendship request on facebook from a beautiful girl.


Her name was Giada Aureli, I did not know her, but I was curious about her to the point where I started a conversation with her. We became good friends, albeit only online. This girl gave me so much of what I needed, which is love. Whenever I wrote to her I would forget about my problems, and she would give me a lot of love and a lot of strength. Sadly one day her facebook profile disappeared, and my contact with her concluded. I missed her so much, every day I would hope to hear from her again, months went by but to no avail. Almost a year ago I was able to contact a friend of Giada, I immediately asked the friend about her, and her reply was “I am sorry but Giada died last January”. Giada was suffering from multiple sclerosis, but she never told me about it, probably so that I would not get upset. I was so sad, also because I lost a special friend.


I missed her so very much, I missed her love, this girl gave me so much. In a short span of time she gave me so much love and so much strength. I believe that our meeting did not happen by coincidence, I believe God wanted to give me an angel as a gift, even if for only a little time. An angel that gave me what I was missing, a strength, happiness and love.


I thank God for this angel, this beautiful angel that I still miss so much, although I also know that it is always close to me. Many times I speak to her as if she was next to me, and I pray for her. I am convinced that our loved ones, even though they are departed, are always next to us and hear everything we say to her, and see everything we do for them.


Well, here is the story I wanted to tell you, the story of an angel that gave me so much. My angel Giada. Thank you Giada.


Thank you Sara for the beautiful page that you offer to us, thank you for listening to us


Take care,


Loving unconditionally an angel named Giada testimonies was told by Giuseppe




Loving unconditionally an angel named Giada testimonies


Loving unconditionally an angel named Giada


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

