Le Parole degli Angeli
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Life after death yes there is

Life after death yes there is life on the other side


Life after death yes there is : my wife had passed away, she was a scientist, my woman, I loved her very much, I was left alone with our two small children to raise, I didn’t believe in anything, I could not believe in life after death, I did not believe in life on the other side, I just did not believe.


After the first few days I found myself alone, my parents left me alone, me, my pain, and my two children to raise.


At that time, whenever I slept, not even shots from a cannon would be able to wake me up; however, a month after her death, I had a dream, a strange dream, I was very lucid in my dream, everything seemed lucid in this dream, I dreamt of my wife, she told me “Watch out, our son has decay in two teeth, and perhaps one of the two teeth can be saved.”


Me, who slept like a log, me, who never remembered any of my dreams, now I remembered vividly that vivid dream, her, her focused facial expression, her words.


Strange, but I decided to follow the dream.


The following night, I dreamt her again, but this time she seemed sterner in her look, and she told me ““Watch out, our son has decay in two teeth, and perhaps one of the two teeth can be saved.”


Once again I woke up with that dream in my mind, and once again I remembered it very vividly.


I had historically always been keen on prevention, and I told myself “No harm done in taking my son to a dental check up, as a prevention measure”, and so I did.


The dentist, during the visit, told me “This kid has decay in two teeth, but perhaps one of the two teeth can be saved”.


In reality, he was able to save both teeth, one because he treated it, and the other was saved because, after the milk tooth, and after the young tooth, a third tooth actually grew out. “I must write this fact in a publication”, said the dentist “it’s a very rare event for a tooth to grow three times”


I could not believe it, I did not believe in life after death, I did not believe in life on the other side; well, I changed my mind, I started to believe, I started to believe that life does continue on the other side, and from that moment I started my journey, full of encounters and many confirmations.


Life after death yes there is life on the other side is a testimonial from Attilio




Life after death yes there is life on the other side


Life after death yes there is


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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