Call Upon The Guardian Angels

Call Upon The Guardian Angels The First Delivery Of An Obstetrician Coincidences


Call Upon The Guardian Angels : the first delivery of a baby, just like your first love, actually just like anything beautiful that happens for the very first time, is something you never forget, and this is what happened to me, training obstetrician-to-be, or "little-obstetricians", as our University tutor fondly calls us. I will never forget the name of the first baby that I saw being born; my name is Gabriella, some of you will have heard about me from Sara Luce, because I am Sara's "adopted daughter".


This year I decided to open my secret drawer and to try to make my dream come true, my dream to work with small children; in other words, to become an obstetrician.


Once I passed the admission exam, I started the academic year with many hours of study and tests, then the much-awaited moment of the training in hospital had arrived.


I was a little afraid because I had never witnessed a delivery and I did not know how I would have reacted to it; would I faint?, would I cope with the sight of blood?, talking with my colleagues I found out that these are common questions to us "little-obstetricians", nevertheless I still had no idea how I would have reacted until I would witness my first delivery.


Sara Luce and my mother both suggested that for the first delivery I might like to I call upon their own Guardian Angels, Samuele and Isabella, together with my Angel Nomiho, to give me strength to cope with it, also, to give them the opportunity to witness the birth of a new creature, every evening Sara and mum called me, to find out if I had finally witnessed a birth.


During the first few days of my training there was a Cesarean section delivery, and I was told that maybe it was a little too soon to handle that for me and other training obstetricians, therefore we went on with our work and study, working with newly-born babies; then one day there was a pre-scheduled delivery, once again a Cesarean section, this time, though, they invited me to see it and I accepted the invitation; once in the room I decided to lean against one of the walls, the official explanation for that was that I did not want to get in anyone's way, but the informal reason was that I thought that if I had fainted at least I would have quietly slid down to the floor without causing any interruption.


Then this mum entered the room, with her big belly, together with daddy, the mother, stroking her belly as if cuddling her baby, said "come on Samuel, we are nearly there!"; "Samuel?", I said to myself, SAMUEL???, and then there are people who do not believe in coincidences, I could not wait to tell my mother and to Sara Luce, but at that moment in time I was too busy: this was my first delivery, not only I did not faint, but I was watching carefully everything that was happening, with my eyes wide open, when I took this little sweet "pup" in my hands, I saw him, I saw Samuel, he was pretty; once he had been cleaned and dressed he seemed to be staring at me, how strange, I was told that newborn babies can only perceive light and shades, but this baby seemed to be staring at me.


My adventure was completed, and the same was for Samuel and his parents, once in the ward I found out that the baby's name was "Samuel Samele", now you can try to convince me that a certain Angel that I happen to know did not have a "hand in this", or, even better, have a "wing" in this!


A kiss to everybody,


Call Upon The Guardian Angels The First Delivery Of An Obstetrician Coincidences are phrases of Gabriella


Call Upon The Guardian Angels The First Delivery Of An Obstetrician Coincidences


Call Upon The Guardian Angels The words of the Angels
