Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Prayer The Request For Prayer Activates

The Prayer The Request For Prayer Activates The Heaven To Help

The Prayer The Request For Prayer Activates : my dear ones, may this precious experience be of value to all of you, the prayer, the request for prayer activates the Heaven to help (you have no idea how many people are suffering and they do not ask the Heaven for help, and not even their loved ones ask for help for them), for the Heaven what is important is the welfare of every Soul, but when you are in need you do need to ask for help.
I will leave you to the precious testimonial of Maria and of her gratitude.
My dear Sara Luce, I don’t know what has happened, but the night following my request for help for aunt Livia to your Prayer Group called Love and Healing, this aunt had an epiphany and she asked her Guardian Angel for help.
And so, after weeks of excruciating pains to her back due to three tumors to her spine, she was finally able to sleep and even get up to go to the bathroom without suffering from the pain like she used to.
The Heaven, I think I now understand this, is so powerful that it goes beyond our requests, moreover aunt Livia has three little angels in the Heaven: her three children who died when she was still young and beautiful.
Thank you again,

The Prayer The Request For Prayer Activates The Heaven To Help was told by Maria


The Prayer The Request For Prayer Activates

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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