Miraculous healings from the Madonna

Miraculous healings from the Madonna experiences


Miraculous healings from the Madonna : dear Sara, my name is Anna Rita, I always read your site, and all your beautiful stories; I wanted to tell you about mine; when I was only a few months old, I became seriously ill, high temperature, nobody could find a cure for it, my mother was losing all hopes, other than surrendering completely to God.


She decided to take me to a lady who could see and speak with the Madonna, as her own Spirit Guide she had a girl who had died when she was only 15 years old, in a car accident, her name was Bettina.


That day on the phone, Ms Maria, the lady who spoke with the Madonna, spoke with my mother, and I understood immediately from my mother’s answers to her that she was supposed to take me to her.


At the meeting, after a long while, Ms Maria turned toward my parents and told them “Go, your daughter will be better”.


You will not believe it, but before we reached home, my mother noticed that I no longer had a fever and I was miraculously healed.


Today, perhaps, if I am sharing this with you is because someone wanted me to write to you.


A hug


Miraculous healings from the Madonna is a testimonial from Anna Rita




Miraculous healings from the Madonna


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

