Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

Prayer To Jesus Christ Prayers

Prayer To Jesus Christ Prayers Dictated From The Sky


Prayer To Jesus Christ Prayers


Brother, my beloved brother Jesus

If you have been on the cross, it was for me

If you have answered with Love to a brother who hurt you, you did it for me,

If you have spread Love, you did it for me,

If you have spread Passion, you did it for me,

If you spread Peace, you did it for me.


You’re my Master,

Master of Peace,

Master of Love,

Master of Passion of the heart.


You’re the Master who guides me,

Accept my prayer,

Make me become a Master of Love,

Make me become a Master of Peace,

Make me become a Master of Passion of the heart,

Today and forever


Prayer To Jesus Christ Prayers Dictated From The Sky


Prayer To Jesus Christ Prayers Dictated From The Sky


Prayer To Jesus Christ Prayers


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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