Carry The Sun In You Your Emotion

Carry The Sun In You Your Emotion messages


Carry The Sun In You Your Emotion : the Love that I feel inside my heart for you, my brothers and my sisters, is like a sun, a sun that reaches your hearts to help you live your existence every day, with the great Love that you have inside, my loved ones; for you it's like the sun that suddenly rises in your day, a sun that helps a brother in need, a sun that fills with pride at having been of help, a sun that shines with the words donated, these are just fleeting moments, but they are moments nonetheless.


Existing through your lives on earth has many challenges, existing, eating, procuring shelter, being the provider for yourselves and your loved ones, the effort of maternity, raising your children and prepare them for the future that awaits them, these are all necessities that come with existing, but they are necessities that, through emotions, can be transformed from a necessity into an opportunity to utilize your heart.


You can put your emotions into every words you say to your loved ones, in every meeting with another heart, and from your emotions you can convey your words; every instant, every little moment of your lives you can meet others from the standpoint of your emotions.


Let's look again at the sun that is inside you, my brothers and sisters, you are the ones that are making it shine with your passion every time you help others, starting from your emotion.


The sun shines in you, but it's the person in front of you that lights it up, the other person is so precious for you, how could the sun you are carrying inside possibly fill up with words, with Love, with light, if others were not there to stimulate you? how could that sun transmit pride and joy to you if there wasn't anyone there to stimulate you? how could your sun express its beauty and its warmth without others to stimulate you?


All the vitality you can feel inside, there is your heart, your sun shining, this is why you need to transform every opportunity into the emotion that you will be able to express. The other person is a heart, you are a heart, and the contact comes from the emotion.


My best wish for you is that your emotion, your heart, your sun, may paint with abundant light every day of your existence.


Embraced to you, right next to my Mother, we send you our wishes.


Your brother Jesus Christ


Carry The Sun In You Your Emotion is the Message dictated 25 March 2016




Carry The Sun In You Your Emotion messages


Carry The Sun In You Your Emotion The words of the Angels

