The Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary On Life

The Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary On Life messages


The Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary On Life : today I will speak to all of you about the help that we are giving and that goes to your hearts; I am the Virgin Mother Mary, I am speaking today, and today I hold you in my embrace, the same embrace that I give to my children as a Mother, it's immense, my embrace is immense, it's larger than earth because I embrace my dear children, but I also embrace the entire creation in its form, because everything is necessary for existence.


So today let's talk about your hearts. It would be wonderful for you to make contact with the immense Love that you carry, a world without words, made only of emotions, and emotions give you life, every emotion is life inside you, and this is what happens while you go through your life on earth.


Every young man is life, and every young woman is life in herself, and I am not referring to your age in your birth registry, you are like this to our eyes, young men and women who live in the world and gain experience of their hearts, and mature with every experience gained from their heart.


You changed so much since you started living on earth, when you were among us you were always joy, all brothers, all friends, with us even the quickest moment meant life among others, an agreement, such a great joy to be all together, and respect toward everyone and the Love that united one with the other; you were right next to Love, every tiny experience included giving your heart, you would sing from the heart, every movement was impressed in the heart, every word came from the heart, and even right now in this moment you are like this, but the contact, the passage to this finite experience of movement of growth on earth, life in its materialism, did not really open your heart; on the contrary, it closed it.


Reflect on it, there is a difference between all that, risk, indifference, shutting out others, competition, and so life becomes arid when there is no longer the need to meet others.


As a mother I appreciate life because I distribute my heart as I love, and my gift is always your happiness; if you knew how much warmth my heart feels when you are happy, this is your gift to me as I donate myself to you, however, to me, donating myself is a necessity, the heart asks for it all the time: it tells me "Love those creatures, love them all, life is a moment of deception, they can not see, they can not see themselves for what they really are, embrace those who make mistakes, and help them stand up again, speak to their hearts and help those who are in the wrong, he is such a splendid creature, who happens to be lost right now; marry those who help others and sustain them through their every step in difficulty, and sustain them when they will be shunned, and in every moment when pain will push them to give up; don't place distance from the pain of a child who is suffering, stay with him, share with him the passage through the illness or the disability, you would be surprised how much strength you can donate in your life; aim your look at the Love that they are expressing and encourage the passion that they can live inside themselves when they love; cure all creatures of this creation, they exist to be of company, or to give support, or to allow life with their actions; you can never stop loving because life is exactly the heart, the life that was donated to you is Love, go ahead and love, it's a wonderful miracle, life, it's a feeling, life is a feeling, go ahead and love and you will receive life in the feeling”.


This is my heart, my children, my heart that donates itself every moment for you, living life with love is wonderful; my heart is just like yours, my heart helps you, it wants happiness for you, and for you to love means conquering your happiness. You need an instant, love others from your heart, look at their eyes, radiant for the help, happiness, it's the heart, the life inside you, the life that you donate every time you love, life that becomes wonderful, life for your brothers.


Feel my love, it's life.


I thank you because with every word I dictated, my Love that donated itself for you.


The Virgin Mother Mary forever.


The Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary On Life is the Message dictated on 31st March 2016




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