Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

Life In Two Poems By Giovanni Crisostomo

Life In Two Poems By Giovanni Crisostomo


Life In Two Poems


Thank You Lord

because you gave us love

able to change

the essence of things.


When a man and a woman

become one in matrimony

they appear no longer as terrestrial creatures

but the very same image of God.


United this way they fear nothing.


With agreement, love and peace

man and woman are owners

of all beautiful things of the world.


They can live peacefully

protected by the love they have for each other

as God dictated.


Thank you, Lord

For the love you donated to us.


Life In Two Poem By Giovanni Crisostomo




Life In Two Poems By Giovanni Crisostomo


Life In Two Poems


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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