Being Love To Promote Change

Being Love To Promote Change Love Means Opening Up


Being Love To Promote Change : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, today my birthday wish goes to our Sara Luce, a special wish so she may have in her heart this enormous Love that she has for you brothers and sisters, and may it shine this light even more around you over time; I know that the effort is great and it causes tensions, you reflect with me the great Love in our hearts through the service that we are bringing forward for the goodness of everyone, Love, we reflect Love so all brothers may also feel it and activate their own Love in return, this is my wish, being Love to promote change.


There is clear awareness that we are spreading seeds and there are many of those seeds who are turning into wonderful flowers, and from their own gardens they already are spreading Love, this garden is not for everyone but we are spreading seeds of Love and Love always sprouts.


In many moments the effort turns into flowers and gardens, in others it is silence from earth, but the effort always produces terrific possibilities, possibilities for other flowers, for other gardens. Time, this is the variable, the time for the reawakening of a heart, and only through reflection that garden will become Love.


This is true for me and for all of you who are bringing Love to your brothers, it’s an effort of the heart, expressing it, expressing your Love, do bring Love, grow your garden inside you and in your heart, and donate your effort of Love to others by building possibilities.


Right now it is possible to listen, tomorrow it is always possible to listen, listening is always freedom of the heart and listening means making contact with that possibility.


Love always reflects from the heart and your sweetness will open up those hearts to listening.


Love means opening up toward all hearts and welcoming them and making Love the language spoken among you. I observe your heart, you would like to really shine all the time despite life and its difficulties, listen to me brothers, and sisters, even in the heart you can change your emotions by giving value to what you hear, think back to those thousands of moments when you listened and gave love, this beautiful heart that Love has donated is you, the heart that has existed for the goodness of others is you, the many moments of enthusiasm, that heart is you, that splendid heart that beats full of Love, you are Love when you are playing, you are Love when you are studying, you are Love when you reach out to others, you are always Love, and with every moment. You think and in your heart there is a movement of Love, a commitment and from the heart there is movement of Love, you are this heart, do appreciate the Love that you are bringing inside you and you will be a constant emotion of Love.


I embrace you with all of my Love, an enormous embrace


Your brother Jesus Christ


Being Love To Promote Change Love Means Opening Up was the Messages of Jesus Christ 15th June 2009


Being Love To Promote Change Love Means Opening Up


Being Love To Promote Change The words of the Angels

