Le Parole degli Angeli
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To Be In The Place Of Your Heart

To Be In The Place Of Your Heart Humanity Needs Love


To Be In The Place Of Your Heart : my loved brothers, my loved sisters, I am with you, this journey together, together in the Love we question ourselves, but first of all we place our heart out on the field, my heart that is speaking to you, your heart listening; the message you read involves the thought, but the listening to my words takes place in the heart; brothers, sisters, my effort for you is constant, because being close to all of you means to love you.


In front of your eyes is the humanity, hearts that, like you, dream of tranquility, satisfaction, fulfillment, solution to problems, humanity, then they seek a meeting with others and understanding and support, the entire humanity looks for itself, it is looking for itself and if inside the heart it feeds from this hope, the entire humanity is awaiting, we wait for the other brother to bring, for a brother to give up up waiting in order to start bringing, and so the world awaits.


And so this is the reality for many hearts. A world of thoughts, a world in constant contact with materialism, doing, building, and then enjoying the fruit of what has been achieved , the fruit of the material world, but the heart awaits too.


In the contact with materialism you can be brain, thought, movement, you can be the fruit of what you learned, but what is important to learn is to be in the place of your heart, being your heart in its expression, being the voice of the feeling you are experiencing, being yourselves, being in the heart.


Even movement shines when you are in the place of the heart when walking.


Every meeting shines when you are a heart that is meeting someone.


Every single effort you make shines, when you are doing it with your heart.


The result shines when it is the product of your heart.


You see humanity, you look at your heart, you enter the heart, they need you, humanity needs Love, think of this need and go toward humanity with your heart. Bring the splendor of your heart to the humanity, illuminate every activity from your heart, Love, surround with Love every moment of your lives, be a heart that is moving through life.


Love exchanged, Love placed on the field, Love that brings light on earth and makes humanity shine


I remain at your side, I am in the heart with you with all of my Love, to help you shine from your heart.


In the peace, your brother Jesus Christ


To Be In The Place Of Your Heart Humanity Needs Love was the Message dictated 24th September 2009


To Be In The Place Of Your Heart Humanity Needs Love


To Be In The Place Of Your Heart


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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