Love Is Expressed When Looking At The Other

Love Is Expressed When Looking At The Other Person As An Entity


Love Is Expressed When Looking At The Other : my loved brothers and my loved sisters, today my heart beats for you, the Love I feel for you is so great that the actual correct word to convey to you what I feel is Immense; for each brother, for each sister beats my heart, my heart is full of each one of you; the words I am dictating are speaking to your heart so that it may feel the difference between the illusion you have of distance and the expression of my heart in the reality; my heart is with you, always, the light of my heart shines always for you, you have always been the light of my heart, forever for you is my Love, the light of my heart shines for you.


Today I would like to talk to you of the opportunity to be a constant movement of Love.


My loved brothers, my loved sisters, the possibility to be with you is constant, it’s a constant expression of the heart when those eyes see the other brother like you, when those eyes add to the body also all of the feeling that the heart of the other person can feel, when those eyes reflect some difficulty of the other, and in every situation where those eyes see the other as an expression of life, well, that’s when in the heart they have activated Love. In all hearts Love is activated when seeing in the other person a reason for his own existence; it’s exactly when you see yourselves as those who share the same experience, that manage their lives, that make constant experience of the heart, of all the emotions that alternate in their chest, that’s when a stranger becomes a brother.


“Where is he going? How is his life? What is he doing? What does he love? Who does he love? Is he loved?” these questions turn the knowledge of a body in a body that, just like you, is living this experience.


Through this passage you are transforming what is an appearance of a body in movement into an entity who just like you is living his existence.


This is what being movement of Love is: noticing the other person as an entity with his own feelings.


Love is expressed when looking at the other person as an entity.


All entities surround your existence and the eyes perceive the entities.


This is the road to be an entity of Love in the world, it’s in the eyes, the eyes do not see bodies, they see entities.


Brothers, the light is in that body, the affection is still in that body, the experience of affection is in that body, in that body there is an entity.


Well, my loved brothers and my loved sisters, I see that inside yourselves you are feeling the possibility of regaining the right vision of the other, deleting the experience of pain you received that pushed you away from the other person in the complete indifference and regaining contact with the correct vision of the other.


Every progress you conquered for the heart is freedom.


I embrace you with all of my Love in the infinite light of my heart.


Your brother Jesus Christ


Love Is Expressed When Looking At The Other Person As An Entity was the Message dictated 29th April 2010


Love Is Expressed When Looking At The Other Person As An Entity


Love Is Expressed When Looking At The Other The words of the Angels

