What I feel is the truth the security

What I feel is the truth the security messages


What I feel is the truth the security : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, I return to you with my words, I return to meet with you and to give you words that will place your heart in the position to hear me, inside you words dictated by Love are resonating, because what I want to send you is only my Love which transmits a teaching.


My beloved brothers, my beloved sisters, today reaching the objective to be Love for you in your reality, a reality that sees you on earth, it needs to always confront itself with others, with the types of thoughts of others, with the habits that they place along your journey, this contact with the forms of thought of brothers is necessary for your affirmation.


It is so, so very necessary my brothers and sisters, the comparison of the truth that we carry with the truth that is perceived by every brother and sister. How can I be completely and truly myself if I only listen to the forms of thoughts that are identical to mine? What I am sure of is corroborated by confronting with those who express a difference from what I consider a certainty: only with a comparison with other forms of thought can I truly draw certainty about what I feel is the truth inside me; it’s the comparison among different forms of thought that determines security.


You speak, reason, understand, then you act within your reality; because you believe it’s the best thing, you even accept critique inside you. Only the understanding of the critique as another form of thought different from yours, but which contains a precious element, puts you in the condition to truly make the best choice. Therefore, contrasting thoughts mean wealth, they complete in you the impression of being in contact with the thought of truth.


It is necessary to listen, to understand different thoughts as a way to help you toward your own growth, and your being yourselves will be enriched by it. If what I used to think is now more complete it is thanks to the comparison with another thought, my thought will be even stronger, or weaker in case this comparison will have highlighted its contradictions, its limitations, its faults.


Brothers, sisters, the comparison, the act of listening to yourselves, which sometimes scares you so, it is precious for you; it is correct to place inside you the thought of strength, in addition to helping you give a much more compelling expression of yourselves in front of other forms of thought that are different from yours.


There is much need in your world for comparison, may you listen humbly to the thought that just arrived to you, they are bringing you a gift that will truly make you better people.


I leave you in the serenity of your next comparison that will see you as the lead characters of your own growth.


As always, I cover you with Love wrapped in my arms.


Your brother Jesus Christ


What I feel is the truth the security was the Message dictated 6th December 2010




What I feel is the truth the security messages


What I feel is the truth the security


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

