Effort and awareness the message of Love

Effort and awareness the message of Love expressed is endless


Effort and awareness the message of Love : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, a new day begins, and as you get up the thought goes to the effort, to the things to do, your objective, your commitment, things to do, your effort is that objective, doing is your objective, your objective occupies you, an important objective to fulfill, your objective determines your day, happiness or moodiness, they will be the results of the effort you achieved, in the meantime you will go on living and meeting, and you tend to those brothers and many emotions will go through your hearts, and this is how you go through life.


Brothers in the life, there is nothing you can do that is worth more than living, when you speak and you transmit what is inside you, when you go out to send emotions through your bodies, even the choice of every word comes from your emotion. This is the life you lead every moment. Through your actions you express your Being, you express time after time what you are.


And now, the effort you are leading only highlights yourselves, and so we see … how did my Being meet people this morning as I woke up with them? How did my Being meet people on the street? What did my Being feel when I met people I knew? As I speak, what did my Being feel in that emotion? What did my Being communicate as a reply? Through these moments I express myself, the emotion in me is being expressed. This attention upon me, on what I feel, on the emotion inside me, this is what I am transmitting that is entirely mine; every brother or sister I met today has inside what I transmitted today, today this is what I chose to communicate about me.


Now this message asks me to highlight the point, with myself, of what I am sending to you, and it places doubt if I am truly expressing myself, or if I am so much into my own mind because of my effort, that I transmit impossibility with every contact that took place since this morning. Impossibility, moreover, to meet me, to be together, to communicate, to feel you are listened to, but in this precise moment it speaks from others to me. This is one of my choices, feeling myself through what I sent out, this helps me being more aware, and my day is not over, another day will begin again and I think of what I have been, I think of how my heart will express itself, I know that this message is for me, and it’s a message of help, so that I can have more and more awareness of myself, of my heart.


Now you are your effort to continue your day


I embrace you with my Love


Your brother Jesus Christ


Effort and awareness the message of Love expressed is endless was the Message dictated 10th February 2011




Effort and awareness the message of Love expressed is endless


Effort and awareness the message of Love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

