Hope with the heart full of hope

Hope with the heart full of hope message for you from the Sky


Hope with the heart full of hope : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, I am here among you to bring you words of hope; this world you inhabit is full of horrors, moments where it is not justice that triumphs, many episodes that speak to you of violence, deceit, abuse and, horror among the many horrors, violence on creatures that are weaker in age and needs.


I understand all your disdain and prayers that you send to us in the impossibility to be able to put a stop with your body to the violence on them, we receive the request for help, we are also in an impossible position to put a brake in your life to your freedom to reach for what is right and good, or for its opposite.


I know that so much horror generates an impression in you as to be surrounded by impotence, to be the rare flowers in a garden of poisonous weed, to be out of place in this life that knows so much selfishness, and where what’s deemed most important is being more beautiful, more powerful, with more possibilities than many other brothers.


Understanding the real meaning of your permanency inside a body on earth helps overcome this impotence. Every morning do remind yourselves that the meaning of the experience you are doing now is an experience of your own selves in the expression of Love, this will be your baggage: every opportunity where Love is given from the heart; this will make you happy as you return to life in our reality.


You are all concentrated in facing this reality, but may you always have in your eyes this meaning in your existence.


What you have in front of your eyes is just temporary, the heart you are carrying is eternal, and today your heart is on earth, tomorrow it will be in the Sky. Every morning remember that you are working to make the Love inside you stronger, to improve yourselves by mobilizing your Love, to gain confidence as you pursue Love, to make yourselves into shining sun rays even in the material world. This is the commitment you made with yourselves: from the heart the light that may illuminate the Sky from earth.


Of course, this is complicated, but your effort is possible, and it’s your commitment, a commitment of your Love.


Through adversities there is your heart that is speaking to you, in violence your heart is speaking, a heart that speaks and expresses itself in the Love. Sometimes adversities will choke your Love, for this reason your brother is here for you, to console you, and place hope in your heart, and help you face every adversity together, and then reminding you of the reasons for you being here, and placing energy back into your every expression.


So, my brothers and my sisters, let’s always face this reality from the heart deployed on the field, let’s face every moment safe in the knowledge that the heart is always communicating, and that our Love will be in front of the eyes of the brothers and in front of this humanity that you are meeting. May your Love meet them, and happiness will be the treasure that you will be bringing with you.


I embrace you in the Love


Your Brother Jesus Christ


Hope with the heart full of hope message for you from the Sky was the Message dictated on 14th April 2011




Hope with the heart full of hope message for you from the Sky


Hope with the heart full of hope


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

