The value of the effort desire to be of help

The value of the effort desire to be of help every effort enriches the world


The value of the effort desire to be of help : how sweet it is to meet you my brothers and sisters, my heart smiles when it speaks with you, I feel inside me a wonderful sweetness at this contact, I feel my heart illuminating your thought when I am preparing myself for our meeting, being with you, speaking with you fills me with joy, as I think of how to help you designate Love as the light of your heart, and of how my effort are the means to send you this great emotion that is inside me, for me you are very important, and today I want to speak to you about effort.


When you see a smile around you, this happiness is the result of an effort, the effort of Love circulating among hearts, of Love exchanged during the day, when in your eyes, in your contact, you realized how important a heart is to you; the Love that animates you contains this inside: the important value that the heart has for you; you are part of that heart’s world, and through your actions you are enriching this world; this is what you are transmitting with your effort: your desire to be of help to that heart that is so important to you.


Feeling Love for these brothers allows you at the same time to also gain experience of yourself: you see your own sweetness, your respect, the soul that is coming to life, the life, life is found exactly in these emotions; as you feel the emotions flow inside you are feeling life, you feel yourself as you are loving, you are gaining experience of Love, experience of yourselves as Love.


Everything that surrounds you is an ever present stimulus to experiment yourselves, Love engaged to enrich other worlds, every effort enriches, even a simple Hello enriches a world, a kind gesture enriches a world, exchanging a few words enriches the world, a smile donated to someone is enrichment; the constant effort toward other worlds is an experimentation of yourselves in the continuity; taking on other people’s problems means allowing yourselves to experiment yourselves as Love. This is your effort: the power of the Love you carry inside you.


What I am teaching you is what is naturally coming from you the moment when your eyes make contact with another, and when you give voice to the Love inside you, you are promoting enrichment when in the eyes there is the importance of the other person in its thousands of ways to make contact with them. You are movement, sweet movement of your Love as it exists.


This is what you think of in your life: every single effort is your Love in movement.


And now that I am embracing you I have the light in my heart, with my Heart in movement toward you, all of you are important to me, and I am surrounding you with Love. I embrace you my Loves.


Your brother Jesus Christ


The value of the effort desire to be of help every effort enriches the world was the Message dictated 05th January 2012




The value of the effort desire to be of help every effort enriches the world


The value of the effort The words of the Angels

