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Teachings From The Sky Teachings Book 2

Teachings From The Sky Messages To Humanity Teachings Book 2


Teachings From The Sky Teachings Book 2 : by now, through the many beautiful messages that my Son has been dictating to you over a long period of time, you know our Paradise; I remind you that when you chose to distance yourselves from me, to live your existence in freedom, you promised that you would find the best path to build your Paradise in the universe that I created specifically for you.


My children, a long time has passed since then, and my eyes do not see the Paradise on our Earth.


The very high number of desperate calls for help that I have been receiving from so many of my children has made me decide to come to your help, through these messages from my Son Jesus.


I observed very carefully the impact that these dictated messages have been having on you. For this reason, we will begin with these exercises. The aim of these exercises is to help you, my children, to put in practice all of the teachings that during this period you have been receiving from the Sky.


Children, remember that every action of yours, every single action, can finally allow the transformation of your Earth into your Paradise.


May these words of mine encourage you to always put all of your affection and Love into your existences, and may they help you, with affection and Love, to gradually build the Paradise that you, and I mean all of you, want so much, deep inside your heart.


This transformation is possible, otherwise we would not be putting this great amount of effort and we would not do so every single moment of our day, as we like we are doing right now.


Sara Luce knows how much Love moves our steps for you. Now, my children, strengthened by our immense Love for you, please do walk yourselves, with Love, towards your brothers, and Paradise will exist also on your marvellous Earth.


May my Love today bring hope to all my marvellous children, I would be the proudest of Fathers if I could see the Paradise on Earth, brought on by your immense Love.


May the freedom of action that I donated to you a long time ago make you decide for the best choices. The best choices are always those that put both yourselves, as well as your brothers, to the centre of your attention. May every individual choice that you make be aimed at reaching the true justice, true equality, respect, the real freedom between one another. Love can achieve this. If you mobilize inside yourselves those feelings of Love that your have, you will always make the right choices, because Love is justice, is equality, freedom, respect, understanding of the real problems and a proposal to the true solutions. This, and much more, is inside the concept of Love. This Love is active, here in our Sky, and it can be active on Earth too, thanks to each one of you, children.


I shall part from you now with hope in my heart. You have made many steps forward since we came to help you, and many steps forward can still be taken, all together. This way, your Earth will also shine with the Light of your marvellous Love.


This Father of yours, who pushes you to move forward, who is happy to help you, together with my Son and Maria, with Love, always, always, always until the Paradise on your Earth will be built.


I hug you, my children, may the Love that I feel right now toward each one of you feed the same hopes for a change. May this Love of mine accompany each day of your lives, and, one day, when you will come back to me, receive all of your happiness for all of the important steps that you will have taken in your path on Earth.


You know, that will be a great day. My joy will express itself not with words but with my great embrace of Love for you, my children. You are so important to this Father of yours, my children, I am desirous to see you happy.


This Father of yours cries tears of joy at your return, your return to my large embrace, an awaited return, return in my Peace.


Teachings From The Sky Messages To Humanity Teachings Book 2



Teachings From The Sky


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