Spheres of light orbs photo images testimonials

Spheres of light orbs photo images testimonials Orbs spheres of light signs of Love




My name is Andrea, three months ago I bought a digital camera, one of those without the film inside, the pictures are downloaded directly on to the computer.


I very enthusiastically started taking lots of pictures with it, although right from the beginning I noticed some strange marks on the pictures, when I looked at the picture from the computer and even directly from the camera display, I could see in some pictures some transparent spheres, like soap bubbles, with the only difference that sometimes they were really neatly defined, crisp, they almost seemed solid and of a translucent white colour.


At first I thought that it was small defect of my camera, but a friend of mine who knows more about it than I do told me that it was impossible, that it was not the type of defect that you could find in a camera.


Then I started thinking that these spheres always seemed to appear as if to give us some kind of sign, like a message to be interpreted, so I started to think that it may be my Angels' doing, the proof of this arrived with the picture that I want to share with you.


It's a detail of a picture that I took inside a restaurant here in Rome with Sara, Gianni, Laura and dear Miriam from Montevideo. It was on the 10th May.


Gianni and Laura were going through some tough times, full of concerns, because Gianni had had an ischemy attack, I believe it happened seven months ago.. today he is recovering very well, but in order to go back to the person that he was before the attack there a lot of work to do and a lot of help needed. Even Laura is going through a difficult time because she can not no longer do what she was doing because she is taking care of Gianni and of their shared things.


Before dinner, Laura talked about her wish and need to feel a sign from the Angels, I took a picture of us, also because I had meant to forward a copy of this picture to Mother Esmeralda and to Miriam's son.


In the picture there is a bubble of white light, right in front of Gianni's face, it was wonderful... but, you can try this too, if you enlarge the image of the white bubble, it seems to me, that inside it there is a figure, it seems a human form with wings!!!!!


I could not believe my eyes.. Thank you, you wonderful creatures of Light, for the gift that you gave us!!!!





Digital picture kept by Andrea


Title Spheres of light orbs photo images testimonials Orbs spheres of light signs of Love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en (the words of the Angels)

