Sanctuary Basilica of Saint Child of Prague

Sanctuary Basilica of Saint Child of Prague In Arenzano Genova


Sanctuary Basilica of Saint Child of Prague : dear Sara, reading the beautiful testimonials of your fans, just like me, I thought you might enjoy knowing what happened to me too, a couple of years ago; it was December, my husband and I decided to spend our Christmas holiday in Liguria, after various discussions, my husband agreed to go where I wanted, which was the town of Arenzano, Genova (he had wanted to go to Imperia), Arenzano was completely new to us, we contacted an agency and rented an apartment.


The day of the departure, we loaded the car, paying attention not to forget anything behind that might be of use during our short holiday.


During the trip there we were reflecting on the recent times in our lives, we were very sad because, as I told you already, the relationship with our son was not going well at all; that was the reason for taking some time off, even if for just a few days.


I also began to wonder again if we had taken everything with us, or if we had forgotten something, and with much sadness I told my husband that we did not think of taking (since it was not going to be possible to build a nativity) at least the Baby Jesus with us, so that He could at least be close to us during that Christmas that was so unusual for us, due to the absence of our son.


I insisted with my husband that he go back to the house to pick it up, my husband did not budge, asking me if I had lost my mind, after having driven so many miles… to calm me down he told me “Don’t you think we can find another Baby Jesus where we are going?”


Once we arrived to the location, the lady of the agency accompanied us to the apartment, and before she left us I asked her to indicate to me where I could find the nearest Church to us, so we could go to Mass. She pointed toward the window and told me: “Do you see that? That is the Sanctuary of the Baby Jesus of Prague, very famous and worshipped in Arenzano” …. .Incredible. What my husband told me did materialize, in a most fantastic fashion: The Baby Jesus was right in front of our home. We rushed outside, went to the church and look at the view that we found in front of us….


Saint Child of Prague In Arenzano


Needless to say that it was the most beautiful Christmas of my life …. despite everything.


A strong hug from Rosalba



The Sanctuary Basilica of the Holy Child of Prague is located in Piazza S. Bambino N. 1, in the town of Arenzano, Genova.


Over the last century the interest and devotion to the Holy Child of Prague has increased dramatically, a devotion that started in 1628, when the Princess Polissena Lobkowitz of Prague offered a gift to the Barefooted Carmelitani monks from the Church of Saint Mary of Victory in Arenzano, a wax statue, dressed up following the Hispanic fashion of the XVII century. Ever since then, the cult of the young king spread to the entire world and in 1904 it was erected, in Arenzano, the Sanctuary Basilica, which attracts countless pilgrims from all over the world, asking for a grace. You can reach the Sanctuary, enriched by major majolica sculptures, by means of a large stairway in front of the column with the statue of the Baby Jesus. The colors of the marbles range from cream to red, with stained glass windows, precious paintings and the majolica sculptures of Angelo Bianchi surround the interior walls. In addition, the Sanctuary features a wonderful botanic garden, where a median, built by Edoardo Alberto Permanente, sheds its thin shadow to indicate the time, as well as a plentiful greenhouse with African and South American examples. Another feature of the Sanctuary is the Artistic and Permanent nativity, the most famous ceramic nativity in the Liguria state, regally built in the years 1969-1970, by the master ceramic Eliseo Salino from Albissola.


The nativity, created with more than one hundred large statues in multi colored ceramic from Albissola, is featured within a large grotto underneath the Sanctuary. As soon as you descend the few stairs, the view of the grotto grabs you with the grandeur of the entire collection and the impressive imitation of natural caverns, rich with stalactites and stalagmites in the most unusual shapes. When the eye gets used to the dimmed light, you find yourself faced with a fantastic nativity scenario.


Various groups of sculptures along the path tell us of biblical stages. The figures reproduce the folks living in the years when the artist worked there. The nativity, a permanent feature, is located underneath the cloister, and can be accessed from the opening in front of the fountain.


Info: Tel. 010.912.73.86 Fax 010.912.42.18. Opening hours  7.30/12.00 - 14.30/19.00


Sanctuary Basilica of Saint Child of Prague In Arenzano Genova was the testimonial of Rosalba


Sanctuary Basilica of Saint Child of Prague In Arenzano Genova


Sanctuary Basilica of Saint Child of Prague The words of the Angels

