Gifts From My Guardian Angel

Gifts From My Guardian Angel Manifestations Of Love


Gifts From My Guardian Angel : my dear friend Sara, you know that I always have with me my Guardian Angel in my thoughts, but this week it was HIM who left me speechless; the other day I woke up and I saw that the kitchen window was shut, the room was very dark, and so I uttered “how dark!” and I proceeded to go to the bathroom; I was alone at home, so I left the door of the bathroom open, and from the bathroom I saw the kitchen becoming all illuminated, I thought it must have been the sun, but it wasn’t, I went to the kitchen and the light was turned on, it turned on “by itself”.


Yesterday I woke up, I was preparing my hot milk as usual, I put some cocoa powder in it and …. surprise!! I saw a little heart, here is the picture.


heart in a cup of coffee


Many regards from me and from him.


Gifts From My Guardian Angel Manifestations Of Love was the testimonial of Valeria


Gifts From My Guardian Angel Manifestations Of Love


Gifts From My Guardian Angel The words of the Angels

