The Answers From The Angels Objects

The Answers From The Angels Objects In The Shape Of Hearts


The Answers From The Angels : hello Sara, this is how the Angels can completely change the beginning of what was going to be a sad day within just one magical moment; as soon as I thought of his presence here comes my Angel’s response, I had opened the jar of nutella chocolate spread to prepare my breakfast, and look what I found, right away


heart of chocolate


I had so many pictures on my cellphone that my son accidentally deleted while playing with it. All the hearts that I had seen, made mostly of pieces of paper, or recycling material: aluminium paper, polystyrene, paper …. who knows why!!


I was able to reload the pictures with the hearts made with polystyrene …. I had taken these pictures a long time ago, on the floor, in the dressing-room area in the store where I work. It’s polystyrene !!! Beautiful, isn’t it?


heart in the dressing-room


A hug,


The Answers From The Angels Objects In The Shape Of Hearts was told by Domenica


The Answers From The Angels Objects In The Shape Of Hearts


The Answers From The Angels The words of the Angels

