Heart made of light images

Heart made of light images a luminous heart pictures


Heart made of light images : hello dearest Sara, I always follow your website, from home, from the hospital bed, from school, or any other place I happen to find myself in; it is of such comfort to me to read the testimonials from other people of faith like me; I keep seeing hearts, Angels, and little children; yesterday, for example, even without taking any pictures, I was laying down, completely in the dark, I was resting, suddenly on the curtain I saw a tiny but very bright dot, it gradually got less and less bright until it disappeared, I regret not having taken a picture, I didn’t think of it because I was so busy looking at it, I think it’s my Angel again, many times I don’t even send you the pictures because they are not very clear, but I am happy to just let you know.


heart made of light on the roof


In the meantime I am sending you a picture I just took, here in Catania, Italy, in my parents’ house: a luminous heart on the roof, and this happens every time I go visit my parents! Sometimes it’s bigger, sometimes it’s smaller, and often it even takes on the shape of a little angel with its wings open! I am sure that these are manifestations of our beloved Angels that are always close to us and love us!


Many hugs from me and my parents!!


Heart made of light images a luminous heart pictures was shared by Sabrina




Heart made of light images


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

