Answers from our departed ones pictures

Answers from our departed ones pictures images hearts


Answers from our departed ones pictures : hello Sara, it’s been a long time since I last wrote to you, and today I really want to do it, to share with you and with all our friends from your wonderful website my discovery, by now you can call it a daily discovery, of splendid hearts.


Today, for example, while I was preparing lunch, I was thinking intensely and with a lot of nostalgia about my adored big dog Raul, who sadly left us 14 months ago (do you remember, I talked to you about him in a beautiful testimonial), and while I was peeling a potato, look at what came in front of me, with my great and happy surprise.


A potato in the perfect shape of a heart


You need to know, dear Sara, that this, just like I was mentioning to you before, is not a rare or isolated occurrence, because now, just to prove it to you, I would like to show you other examples of my frequent findings, and then you will tell me, if you like, I they are not truly extraordinary.


Splendid Hearts Found by Rosa in her home


Picture of a heart formed in the glass


Picture of splendid hearts found in the kitchen


Pretty, aren’t they? Naturally, after all this, even Raul’s little grave stone could not be any other shape other than heart!


Image Gravestone Raul Shape Hearted


Goodbye Sara, a big hug to you!



Answers from our departed ones pictures images hearts was the testimonial from Rosalba




Answers from our departed ones pictures images hearts


Answers from our departed ones pictures The words of the Angels

