Death And Life After Death A Flower

Death And Life After Death A Flower Speaks Of Life Witness
Death And Life After Death A Flower : dear Sara, I’m going to tell you about one of my many episodes; my mother left me on a day in March six years ago owing to a terrible illness, unfortunately I don’t live in Rome Italy anymore since more than twenty years and so I can go back home only when we can make work and school meet.
I went back to Rome after Easter with everyone in my family and we went to the cemetery.
My father made me stop at the entrance, because he wanted to give her some red roses. I intervened sweetly saying: “Why don’t we buy some gerberas? Look those yellow and orange ones over there. She used to love them …”
But he didn’t change his mind. Only red roses. This went on slightly away from the florists, who were seeing to other customers anyway. So I approached a young girl, waiting for my turn and I asked her to give me five red roses. She prepared the bunch of roses and gave it me. I paid and got back into the car.
I was sitting in the front of the car and I slightly opened the wrapper to adjust them a bit … surprisingly among the five roses there was a yellow and orange gerbera. I smiled happily and feeling touched. But that’s not all.
A month and a half later going back to Rome and then to the cemetery there was another great surprise. All the flowers had become dry except the gerbera that seemed to have been put there just the day before.
A great wonderful emotion and happiness knowing that my mother is still near us.
Death And Life After Death A Flower Speaks Of Life Witness are words from Simona
Death And Life After Death A Flower The words of the Angels
