Guardian Angel Signs From Angels

Guardian Angel Signs From Angels Testimonies


Guardian Angel Signs From Angels : my dearest, my happiness is through the roof this morning, I always read your website whenever I feel the need to read about miracles, and the other night I read one more time the testimonial of a fellow website fan, of how she managed to obtain the certainty that her Guardian Angel is right next to her; the story of a woman and how she asked her Angel to send her a little purple heart, which she promptly received the following day from the little girl she was looking after.


And so, two nights ago, and for two nights consecutively, I asked a very specific question, that I please receive a green frog, with a red heart in the middle (I collect frog toys of all shapes and sizes).


This morning, while I was driving and I was distracted by two young men who were walking down the road to go to school, I suddenly turned around and on the luggage rack of the car in front of mine there was a sticker of a wild little frog, without the heart in the middle, but I remember this was the very first picture of a frog that made me start my frog collection a couple of years ago.


This is definitely the sign I was waiting for, and now I ask myself and also I ask you, what is my next step, what should I do now that I know for sure that he is present in my life!!!


I have so many questions to ask him, so many!!!! and I would love to apologize to him for all those times that I doubted his existence!!


With affection, Giovanna


A kiss and have a wonderful day


Guardian Angel Signs From Angels Testimonies was the testimonial of Giovanna


Guardian Angel Signs From Angels Testimonies


Guardian Angel Signs From Angels The words of the Angels

