Strange coincidences answers

Strange coincidences answers from the Guardian Angel testimonies


Strange coincidences answers : dear Sara, once again I am writing because as I read your experiences I can admit for a while now my Guardian Angel ha been next to me, and now, at the age of 37, I can look at the situation and confirm with certainty that for the last two years my Guardian Angel has been at my side; in moments when I could not make any decisions, I would ask questions, and I would receive answers.


I remember I was engaged with a very kind young man, he was very sweet with me, he always indulged me and for a 20 year old girl this was the best. One day, I felt that I needed to let him go, and so I did. I was in the car, a little sad, I was driving, I had the window open, it was really hot outside and the road was clear … at one point, a young man on a motorbike wearing a helmet approached me, and told me “Don’t think about it too much, you will find much better” I was speechless, I looked up and the young man and his bike had already disappeared … and yet there was nobody anywhere …. the strange thing that I remember was that he had a strange accent, from a different region, maybe he was Neapolitan (I am from Sicily)


I still remember that at 22 years old I was engaged with a young man I loved very much, although I did later discover that he drank and smoked (not cigarettes). I was besotted with him, but inside me I felt that he was not the right one … we worked in the same place, and one day I asked with all of my heart, for a sign to let me understand if he was the right man for me or not … I remember that I was at home, the phone rang, and it was him, telling me with a broken voice that he had had a fight with a coworker and he broke his little pinky finger … I was shocked, not only for the senseless and violent act, but especially because I received the right sign from my Angel … I sensed a thought … “You see, he is not what you are looking for”.


I remember other experiences that happened to me over the years … they are frequent and vivid images that only today I am able to understand, and today I am able to fully appreciate them in a much more pleasant manner.


A hug with all of my heart.



Strange coincidences answers from the Guardian Angel testimonies was told by our Agata




Strange coincidences answers from the Guardian Angel testimonies


Strange coincidences answers The words of the Angels

