The tenderness of a Guardian Angel

The tenderness of a Guardian Angel testimonies an Angel with a little rose


The tenderness of a Guardian Angel : ever since I came across this site, I often go and read the testimonials, some are really amazing, speaking of contacts with the Guardian Angel and of help received.


I have a great internal turmoil due to the situation with a person who is very dear to me, and just yesterday I was reading the testimonials and I was crying from the emotion, asking my Angel, with all of the fervor that I had in me, for a small sign of his closeness, a message in my sleep, something, anything ….


This morning I woke up and, since I had some free time, I started to tidy up my earrings, I have dozens of them, I poured the entire content of the box on a table, to match them up again, it was all earrings and only earrings, however, in the midst of it all, I found a little metal pin that I did not even know I had, and guess what was on it? An Angel with a little rose.


I consider this little episode as an answer and this gives me much solace!



The tenderness of a Guardian Angel testimonies an Angel with a little rose was told by Gabriella




The tenderness of a Guardian Angel testimonies an Angel with a little rose


The tenderness of a Guardian Angel The words of the Angels

