Stories of life after death my father

Stories of life after death my father’s medallion


Stories of life after death : hello Sara, a few days ago something wonderful happened to me; when my father passed away, the only thing I asked from my mother was the medallion that he had been wearing when he had the accident, it represents the face of Jesus and I have been wearing it for the last 30 years, I never took it off.


15 days ago I was going through a very bad period (work, financial problems, problems with kids, especially one of them) … and so that morning my morale was very low, I spoke to my father and I asked him where he had hidden, because I no longer felt him close to me, I told him “If you are here, help me, providing that Jesus allows you to”.


I went to work, sat at my desk, and noticed that I had lost the medallion, or to be precise, the chain was there, locked as usual, but the medallion was gone. I nearly passed out, I immediately went to the bathroom, I undressed, and all I could think of was that the lock had broken and the medallion had dropped under my clothes, but it was not there.


I walked the entire itinerary back to the home, it was not there.


And so I talked to my father, and to my Angel, and I asked them to help me find it.


After a little while, as I was talking to my manager about my loss, I felt the medallion under my t-shirt, the medallion was stuck between my belly and the t-shirt, even though earlier on I had undressed and it was not there.


My manager and I immediately tested the lock to see if it was faulty, but it was working perfectly well. We then asked ourselves how it could have possibly escaped from a locked chain?


I have the answer, it was my father telling me that he was indeed close to me and that Jesus did allow him to come back to help me.


From that day on, even though not all my problems are resolved, I am happy, I can perceive his presence, and most of my problems with my son are now solved.


Sara, he is here, together with my Angel and Jesus and to our Celestial Mother


Stories of life after death my father’s medallion was told by Silvia




Stories of life after death my father’s medallion


Stories of life after death The words of the Angels

