Seeing Guardian Angels real experiences

Seeing Guardian Angels real experiences testimonials


Seeing Guardian Angels real experiences : dear Sara, I am a mother of two children, during my life at one point I found myself in what I believe was a form of depression, fear, due to a number of reasons; after about a month of talking in my mind to my Guardian Angel, one evening, after tucking my children into bed, it was about 11 pm, I said “Maybe I am not worthy of an answer from you, from a sign from you” and I said “I would love so much to receive a little “LOVE”, a real and sincere embrace, feeling the warmth of real Love”, I felt alone ….


I was awake, and a light appeared in front of me, a light that I have never seen in this world, so bright it would normally be blinding but it was not, on the contrary, my eyes never felt so open … at the center of it I saw him, very tall, blonde, curly hair that reached his ears, he had both a beautiful smile and a beautiful face, not even human, a beauty that one can not even invent, and he was there, with open arms, giving him all the Love that I needed, he was wearing a long white tunic with a small belt at his side, and a hair band … I remember that at the time I did not even know where I was, and I did not know about my children … nothing … it was another world, I did not remember anything, not even that I was sitting down in that moment … nothing! But I do know that when he disappeared, I remember I did not need anything, and I pronounced three times ”YES”, even though I did not know why.


This vision left inside me such warmth, a joy so immense it did not even compare to the joy of giving birth to a child. I am a mother, I can confirm this.


Subsequently, the daily life had its difficulties, but as soon as I started to feel a little sad, from the ceiling in my home I could see a lot of little white feathers, how wonderful! And as soon as I would pick them up and thank him, my Soul was full once again, and I felt strong.


I have a wonderful Angel, whom I want to thank with all of my HEART.


Seeing Guardian Angels real experiences testimonials was told us by Luciana




Seeing Guardian Angels real experiences testimonials


Seeing Guardian Angels real experiences The words of the Angels

