Nobody arrived on this earth by accident

Nobody arrived on this earth by accident testimonials


Nobody arrived on this earth by accident : hello Sara, it’s been a long time since we chatted, hasn’t it? I am very well, it’s been a long time since I heard from my Guardian Angel, as you know I had a few problems; however, I saw that his Love was stronger than my neglectfulness, for a while now, every time I make coffee at home with the cafetiere (you know, some coffee always seems to overflow) some of the spilled coffee seems to be in the shape of a little heart (during this period I am still feeling a little downcast), but the thing that made me the happiest is that yesterday, as I was listening to a music video that I really like, I saw the words “nobody arrived on this earth by accident” on the video, but when I played the video for the second time, again the same song, the writing had vanished, it was just not there anymore where did it go? was it sent back to the sender? it seemed so strange to me, could it be a message from him, perhaps?


A big kiss to you


Nobody arrived on this earth by accident testimonials is Silvia’s story




Nobody arrived on this earth by accident testimonials


Nobody arrived on this earth by accident The words of the Angels

