Incredible coincidence the sparrow

Incredible coincidence the sparrow testimonials sent from the Sky


Incredible coincidence the sparrow : dear Sara, I would like to tell you about my incredible coincidence; during the two years I was out of work, some of my friends told me that in the city where I had lived for 12 years, and where my two friends live, a local supermarket that was about to open was looking to hire new staff; I took the bus from Cuneo and I arrived to the little town.


I had a long stretch of road to walk, so I started walking. I walked the front of a cemetery, so I decided to pay it a little visit. I went through the entrance, and as I always do, my first thought that came to my mind, as it always did every time I walked into this cemetery was “I wonder where Luca is”


Luca was a handsome 17 year old young man, if I am not mistaken. We both would go to middle school together, I was in sixth grade while he, if I remember well, was in 8th grade and was repeating the year. I only knew him superficially, he was a friend of one of my class mates, but in any case, every time we bumped into each other, casually, we would say hello to each other. I don’t know anything about him other than the fact that, and I say it because I was actually present at the running game organized by the school, which he went on to win, he was a great running athlete.


So, I repeat what was told to me, one afternoon Luca was at home and he was rocking on a chair. At one point he swayed too much on one side, and he landed on the window glass behind him, shattering it to pieces. And he also cut an artery. I don’t know much else, other than he was dead.


I did not go to the funeral, therefore I did not know the exact location of his grave. However, I always wanted to know where he was, so I could say hello to him, it would have been sad not to.


At that time, I had very recently discovered your website, and I had read about some coincidences.


And so I thought something along the lines of “Luca, please, tell me where you are!”


Soon after I saw a sparrow flying around, and landing on a gravestone. I walked up to the grave and …. he was buried there. I was so happy, I was finally able to say hello to him.


Incredible coincidence the sparrow testimonials sent from the Sky was Seve’s story




Incredible coincidence the sparrow testimonials sent from the Sky


Incredible coincidence the sparrow The words of the Angels

