To find a feather white at home

To find a feather white at home testimonials


To find a feather white at home : you know dear Sara, I have a little drawer full of feathers, and each one had been a strong sign for me, in each situation; with pleasure I will tell you about the whitest feather I recently found.


I have not been feeling well, and I prayed the Lord so He may help me, according to His will. In the meantime a few months went by, but the problem persisted, despite various therapies.


One day, tired both physically and psychologically, I asked my Angel to give me a little sign. And that sign did not take long to arrive.


I had just finished speaking to my Angel, and a few moments later, I found a snow white feather right in front of my feet. I immediately thought of his answer.


In fact, the Lord, a few days later, guided me to a good doctor, who is helping me solve my problem.


Thank You Sara


To find a feather white at home testimonials is Anna’s experience




To find a feather white at home testimonials


To find a feather white at home The words of the Angels

