My son has a Guardian Angel

My son has a Guardian Angel that helps us testimonials


My son has a Guardian Angel : hello Sara, it’s been a while since I last wrote to you, but I always follow your website; I am writing to tell you one thing, this morning I was supposed to go to a doctor’s appointment, but both my father and I completely forgot about it.


At one point, my son started repeating several times the name of our doctor …. until my father said “Didn’t you have to go to the doctor this morning?”, and I replied “Yes …”


Who do you think suggested my doctor’s name to my son? he does not even know her!!! was it my Guardian Angel??


Let me know


A hug


My son has a Guardian Angel that helps us Is Silvia’s Testimonial




My son has a Guardian Angel that helps us testimonials



My son has a Guardian Angel The words of the Angels

