Death of a friend

Death of a friend dream and signs experiences


Death of a friend : I had a friend on Facebook, we had never met, I live abroad and he lived in Italy; suddenly, I did not hear from him anymore, I was thinking of him and wondering “why do I not hear any news from him?”, I had a dream of him, he visited me, and that dream scared me.


Soon after that I forgot about it, however, in one of my rooms I found a little white feather under the window, and I know that at that time my daughter was pregnant and one morning my husband asked me to make her a coffee and, on the coffee, as I stirred the sugar, I saw the shape of an Angel.


I sent my friend the picture of it and told him that my nephew was about to be born, still no answer.


Then I decided to take action, I asked a friend we had in common if he knew anything about him and I was astonished to hear that he had flown up to the sky, and he had been sending me messages to alert me, I did not understand right away that they were from him when I saw the feathers and the coffee and the butterflies on my path.


I miss him a lot, his good mornings, our conversations, he left a void behind him.


Death of a friend dream and signs experiences are the words from Giuseppina




Death of a friend dream and signs experiences


Death of a friend The words of the Angels

