The departed speak to us through our dreams

The departed speak to us through our dreams testimonials


The departed speak to us through our dreams : dear Sara, I had already sent you a testimonial entitled “the Interpretation of dreams sent to us from the Sky”, often, especially in the first two years, the encounters with my companion Emilio, who had passed away, had been quite frequent, I remember for example the first birthday without him, soon before I woke up, or in any case it was during the half wake half sleep stage, I saw, and please note I am using the words seeing, not dreaming, a pink birthday card, framed with little pink hearts, the alarm made me open my eyes all of a sudden, and the image disappeared.


He was always there on anniversaries, I once dreamt of him entering the gate to my house, which had unusually been left open, I don’t know if you remember the person I had talked to you about on that testimonial, that person used to help me understand the dreams of my Emilio, well, the person who translated my dreams told me clearly that the “portal” between him and I was open and he was not going to leave me until I felt better, for as long as I needed him, he was going to stay with me, now I realize that this is not fair, they must not be “held” for too long, but in any case this is how it was, he is always with me because even from their new Home, they see and hear and know everything about us; however, now he no longer needs to stay “here”, besides, having had these experiences, there is no way I could not be a believer, and so I am certainly much more serene.


Thank you for your attention, I love you and I always follow you with pleasure, I am sending a big hug, and I ask all of you to always speak with your loved ones in the most serene way possible, remember that your happiness is their happiness, your pain blocks them and consequently blocks the communication.


The departed speak to us through our dreams testimonials are the words from Mirella




The departed speak to us through our dreams testimonials


The departed speak to us through our dreams The words of the Angels

