Seeing the invisible

Seeing the invisible children see what is invisible to adults


Seeing the invisible : it is very true that children see the invisible, they perceive the invisible, they see what is invisible to adults as if it is reality.


When I was seven years old I saw my grandfather, I was sitting in his lap, in my grandmother’s room, he had been dead a few months, back in 1991, there were three other people with him, all dressed in jacket and tie, my grandfather pointed at one of them and said “do you see who is here? he is Uncle Gianni” and he told me that I should not get my parents cross.


At some point the strong light in front of me disappeared, right after that the last words from my grandfather were “now I have to go, here everything is beautiful, please be a good boy!”


In the morning I told my mother everything I had seen, and I asked her “mom, who is Uncle Gianni?” and she answered that it was her uncle, who had passed away many years prior, who was always together with my grandfather, I always remember him, as if it was yesterday, also because when I was very close to him, in fact the nurses told my parents that my birth must have been a miracle.


Seeing the invisible children see what is invisible to adults is the experience from Marco


Seeing the invisible children see what is invisible to adults


Seeing the invisible The words of the Angels

