Le Parole degli Angeli
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Contact with the departed through dreams

Contact with the departed through dreams experiences


Contact with the departed through dreams : I remember a dream I had where my grandmother, who had recently left us, asked me to tell my mother, her daughter, that she was always in her house and that she saw the blanket on my mother’s bed, and the television.


I found this dream to be a little strange, however, I did tell my mother, who listened to me in silence, then she told me that the blanket and the television belonged to my grandmother and as they cleared their mother’s house, the children had divided her belongings among them, my mother had chosen the blanket and the television.


I did not know any of this, and so you can imagine, my dear Sara, how surprised my mum and I were, it was truly a wonderful gift.


Contact with the departed through dreams experiences are phrases from Mimma


Contact with the departed through dreams


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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