Phrases before death

Phrases before death the last few words


Phrases before death : even my mother was very sharp until two days before she left us, she said “Laura, grandmother is seated next to you”, I answered to her with the maximum honesty because I never lied to my mother, even about her illness when the tumor had metastasized, I always told her the truth, because God is truth, I answered “mother I don’t see grandma, but if you say you see her, I certainly believe you; then I remember asking her “is grandma young?” and my mother replied “neither young nor old, but she is happy” and then I said “mother, did she come for you?” and she answered, “I think to accompany me, do not fret, you have been my joy, a wonderful daughter, the only sadness I have is knowing I am leaving you alone” and I told her “go in peace, my soul, God will place Angels along my way, you will see”.


My mother fell asleep with a smile on her face and she truly did send me Angels, a wonderful man who adores me, girlfriends who are like sisters to me and a love for everyone just like she had.


Thank you, mother, we were born, and we will never die again, it’s really true!!!


Phrases before death the last few words is the story from Laura


Phrases before death the last few words


Phrases before death The words of the Angels
